There are 3 main perspectives that are used interchangeably during the story. These three views are "Macrovolute", "Human" and "Smell".
The vision is represented and known for its more "comic" style, which is something Gregorsa did on purpose to make macrovolutes seem more friendly by simplifying the designs of the insects in general. In this perspective, not just the view is changed but also the animations and actions that the characters are seen doing. They are more human-like in nature, like facial expressions and hand gestures to portray feeling and emotions. Certain actions like walk cycles are modified in this view to be more fluid than the "Human" perspective described below.
Due to insects having different color receptors than humans, they are able to see different colors than we can as humans, this is portrayed in the perspective. In macrovolute society, the color red is so rare for insects to see it isn't called the color "red", they use the term "ultragreen" while talking about it due to the rarity of the color. Even though some small types of macrovolutes can see the color red, the "macrovolute" view still lacks the color, this is because the ones who can see the color are more deemed an outlier than a common thing. There is a new color represented by a purple or blue color: Ultraviolet. They are able to see colors in the ultraviolet spectrum that we cannot see as humans. It is such a common color they have a more commonly used name for the colors on the ultraviolet spectrum, "Ved."
There is a known bias with this view though, which is Gregorsa's bias of the world. He is portraying how he sees the world and is trying to manipulate the worldview according to what he sees and is simplifying it and modifying it to what he deems fit. These biases can be found scattered about. One of the points of this bias is how Rose is portrayed. In Rose's simplified design gregorsa saw the multiple eyes that are close together as one compound eye, because those are common for insects and his species. We can see this on her character as one singular eye with eight shines that are visible.
Some macrovolutes have poor eyesight, so their view of the world is mainly based around what they smell, like Rose. To represent this, there is a perspective based around what they smell in the environment. This perspective is close to the "macrovolute" perspective listed above.
This perspective uses more bright and vibrant colors. One of the primary colors used during this perspective is the color pink. Certain things have specific colors in this perspective. It is displayed that Hivers come as a bright red, and certain smells are portrayed with different colors as well.
This view has the same biases as explained above with the "macrovolute" bias.
This is a view of what is going on with the story from the viewpoint of a hiver or human. The models are more accurate to what we see as humans instead of what Gregorsa wants to portray the world in. In this view, the insects are more defined and realistic to their real life counterparts. Another thing that is changed is the animations and actions that are seen in the story. One of the visible examples of this is that the walk cycles for insects are more accurate to the real life counterparts.
In this perspective, we can see the color red being used because that is a common color for humans to see. One thing we can't see is any use of ultraviolet color because that is outside the spectrum of human vision, so all ultraviolent designs are not visible in this perspective. Due to this, the primary colors that are seen are mostly reds and orange hues.
It is not stated currently if this view has a bias or not. One can state that: "this has the viewpoint of a human and therefore also inherits a bias", but nothing has been currently stated whether it has the aforementioned bias at all.