These are the main storyline of "Humans-B-Gone!" The story revolves around Sophodra and Rose with their pest control business. All of the story is explained and described by Professor Gregorsa. Gregorsa is the narrator and guide of the story. He leaves down notes and explains the world around the story so the viewer doesn't get lost.
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All items (9)
- Episode 1 - Roach vs. Humans vs. Giant Praying Mantis
- Episode 2 - A Day in the Life of a Giant Tarantula and Scorpion
- Episode 3 - Giant Praying Mantis Attack
- Episode 4 - Mantis Meets Tarantula
- Episode 5 - Human Leader Attacks Mantis and Tarantula
- Episode 6 - Inside the Mantis Nest
- Episode 7 - Weevil Woes